I signed up for Twitter and am following some news sites. It might be good for sending out notices to classes. Don't think I want to follow any stars.
I looked at the widget tool and think that is beyond me at this point at least although I do want to learn how to post some on my webpage for databases. I am hoping that the vendors have done most of the work for me and I can figure the rest out.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thing #18
I think Google Docs is a great application. I have used it in the past year for collaborative work with committees and once you get over not wanting to edit someone else's work(or not wanting someone to edit yours), it really works well. I was impressed with the number of templates available and plan to use some of them in the coming year, starting with the trip planning checklist.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thing #17
I think this is a great tool to put together a list of good websites for an assignment. I made one called "News Search" of trusted and local news sources for checking on current events.
Thing #16
I like the idea of wikis to put together resource pages for research assignments. Starting with my suggestions and the teachers and then the students can add their ideas. We are definitely dropping one of our online encyclopedias. I am still uncomfortable posting on wikis and blogs.
Thing #15
I have always said that the thing that I like best about my job is that I don't get bored because I can always find ways of improving what we do. Library 2.0 is going to be a huge challenge, particularly for those of us who don't like change. In addition to the coffee bar at the circulation desk and changing "rules" about talking and eating and drinking to make the space itself more welcoming, these tools make it possible to make the entire research process more available and help available outside the library walls. While I have long been a proponent of ebooks and online databases, I am rethinking how to make them easier to use rather than trying to convince students that the trouble is worth it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thing #14
Searches in different parts do yield different results. I was surprised to see how quickly the top searches change and how interested people apparently are in pop culture. I think the tag clouds are fascinating and another term for keywords. I can't come up with any uses for this right now, but I am glad I know what it is.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thing #13
This is an interesting way to keep bookmarks. I had tried them with folders before and just gave up organizing them and found it was easier to do a new search each time. I imported all the old ones into delicious and it was not a good idea since all the ones the browser selected went too and I spend a lot of time deleting ones I didn't want. I did put some tags on the others and can see setting up accounts and a social network for classes. Not sure how it would work with the passwords required for subscription databases but would be a great way for students to share websites with each other.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thing #11
I actually set up an account and kept track of my own reading on this last year. I liked it very much and did not even notice the local events which I think is a great resource. We have a faculty book group at school and when we decided to try to stay in touch over the summer, we made a group on goodreads which is similar and everyone else seemed to like better. I can't figure out how to import the librarything widget to this page, but hope that is something what will be covered later or that someone can point me to instructions for doing.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thing #10

Some wouldn't load from home, so maybe I do need the fastest internet for these big graphics programs or maybe do them from school. I was most impressed with Glogster, but need a little more help with that one.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Thing #9
I really liked the award winner site and found a number of useful blogs that I added. The news topics and local new searches are less interesting to me right now, but I can see how I might have a topic in the future that I would want to follow or suggest that students do. Some of these posts have already given me good ideas of where I want to go with the library next year...one bite of the elephant at a time.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thing #8
This technology really scares me. I can see it really getting out of hand and taking more time than I want to devote to it (like email and cell phones which I love, but sure do take up a lot of time). A number of the websites I do have to check regularly apparently don't have the feeds, like the ABA bestsellers' lists. I can use it to keep up with current trends, but don't really want to go public until I figure out what I want to share. I will give it a try for a while and see if I warm up to it.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thing #7
Playing in the sandbox was nice to get to meet people, but google is pretty self explanatory. Most of these web tools are easier to figure out than other programs like PhotoShop have been. That is encouraging. I set up an igoogle page and will do a calendar when I can put in school things. I set up a couple of alerts, one for school and one for a personal interest, so am interested in seeing how much mail I have to deal with. lm-net is already tmi much of the time.
Thing #6
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thing #5

This was fun. I enjoyed looking at other people's photos. I know people who post and share vacation photos with friends and now that I have taken time to see how it works, I could do that. It would be fun to take a photo a day in the library to document the year. Sure would make the annual report easier.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thing #3
I was doing fine until the avatar didn't export as expected. I will try to view this problem as a challenge...tomorrow. This sure does take up a lot of time!
Thing #2
I have trouble viewing problems as challenges but find it easy to begin when I have a goal in mind. Playing with technology in the summer is a great way to become more familiar with tools that I will then be able to use during the year.
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