Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thing #8

This technology really scares me. I can see it really getting out of hand and taking more time than I want to devote to it (like email and cell phones which I love, but sure do take up a lot of time). A number of the websites I do have to check regularly apparently don't have the feeds, like the ABA bestsellers' lists. I can use it to keep up with current trends, but don't really want to go public until I figure out what I want to share. I will give it a try for a while and see if I warm up to it.

1 comment:

  1. the advantages of RSS and a reader should really help you with time. It pulls things for you to read/react to on your own schedule.

    you usually can a site to your reader knowing only the url (address)whether it shows the little rss icon or not. Try one of the sites that you really like and see if it doesn't work for you
